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Warehouse Transfer Outwards Header

The header details the current status of the transfer, the warehouses involved and details of linked warehouse inwards forms.  The Transfer Date is editable and is the date that is used to post to the General Ledger and the date of stock movements.

Field Description
Transfer No. Automatically created on save and is controlled by the form System System Numbers, Warehouse Transfer No
Use In Transit Ticking this box means that stock is transferred to an In Transit warehouse when activated.  The Destination warehouse then creates a Warehouse Receive Inwards form to receipt the stock.  System setting TakeStockOnSave when ticked moves stock to the In Transit warehouse when the outwards form is saved only when an In Transit warehouse is used.  When the box is not ticked, stock in moved immediately to the destination warehouse when the outwards form is activated
From Warehouse Is automatically populated with the active warehouse
To Warehouse Select from search window
In Transit Select from search window – see notes above about Use In Transit
Created By Automatically populated with the logged in user name
Source No. Populated with the purchase order number when the form is created by activating a Purchase Order raised on a warehouse
Picked By The field is updated when EnablePicking is turned on and stock is allocated and committed by the warehouse staff
Transfer Date This field is editable until the form is committed and is the date that is used to update the General Ledger and the stock records
Receive-Ins Displays the Warehouse Receive In form(s) that recorded the stock received in.  Only used when an In Transit warehouse is used

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